The Shaws deal was even better than I initially thought! Thanks to a great blog, Deal Finding Mom, I learned that the catalinas print based on regular shelf prices, not sale prices! So this evening I took another trip to Shaws. Now, it seems that catalinas obtained from purchasing certain items on a certain deal can't be used again on the same deal, so I, um, "laundered" some of my $15 in catalinas from this morning using a buy $20 (in certain products), get $10 in catalinas deal. Since the deal worked on regular prices, and I bought the items on sale and used coupons, I spent $10 in catalinas plus 75 cents, and got this:
Plus a $10 catalina, of course, which I could use on more items similar to the ones I purchased this morning.
Then I did one more transaction, getting all of this:
...for $15.75. I received $30 in catalinas for the transaction.
Doing the math, I figure that overall I spent $37.90 but still have $35 in catalinas, meaning I spent $2.90 and took home over $130 worth of groceries, including the purchases from this morning - although not everything is pictured here (notice how Nathan has already eaten one of the Klondike bars?):
On the way home I stopped at Walgreens to use a $5 catalina (from my recent Walgreens deals) that was going to expire soon. I used four coupons and my $5 off, and ended up paying 7 cents for this:
Starting tomorrow there will be lots of new catalina deals at Shaws - I've already checked out the new circular and I should be able to get some good items!
Those who know me probably know that I have never made Hamburger Helper before, I don't eat canned soup, and I don't need five cake mixes much less seven boxes of Swiss Miss cocoa. The explanation: I'm planning to start donating dry and canned goods to a nearby food pantry for the needy!
This couponing thing is really quite fun.
The idea to start donating the canned foods to the food pantry is such a good idea, I may take up couponing (again).