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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Merging Traditions

We are having quite an ordeal deciding on plans for both Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. First of all, my family is far away in California and plane tickets are often prohibitively expensive. Nathan's family is closer by, in Pennsylvania, but the drive is rather a long one. Add to that Nathan's church job, which tends to keep us tied to our own home around holidays for things like Christmas Eve services (and even Thanksgiving Eve services, which I find rather odd). We've spent the past few weeks trying to formulate plans for the upcoming holidays. Today as we discussed one travel possibility, the following conversation ensued:

FavoriteBoy: So with that plan, we could leave after the Christmas Eve service, drive all night to Pennsylvania, and arrive at my family's house in time for Christmas morning, and my Mom could make her traditional cinnamon pecan coffee cake...

SarahMarie: But my family's tradition is for my Mom to make cranberry coffee cake!

FavoriteBoy: Well, that is a gross tradition and best abandoned!


  1. Anonymous11:22 PM

    ...a gross tradition, indeed :-/
    Mom :-)

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    SteveDad thinks both are wonderful traditions. Love Cranberry anything. Send recipe!

  3. Weekend of Thanksgiving through that Tuesday or Wednesday? Will you be around? I will most likely be in Boston for a couple days and would love to meet up!
