This Christmas... I think it was one of my favorite Christmases ever.
It was just the three of us, and we did things at our own pace all day. We all slept in until about 8:30, and then got up and opened stockings, followed by a leisurely breakfast of coffee cakes, eggs, bacon, coffee, and hot cocoa.
Then we headed for church, which we've decided is a must for every Christmas morning.
After church Nell took a nap, so we didn't end up opening any gifts until around 3 or 4. I loved it this way, doing gifts in the afternoon while boeuf bourguignon simmered on the stovetop and cardamom bread baked in the oven. It nicely avoided the "we've done gifts; now what?" feeling that sometimes happens on Christmas.
Nathan loved the candle by the hour I got him... the perfect gift for a man who likes fire, candles, and old-fashioned looking things.
Nell was well-rested from her nap, and enjoyed the process of unwrapping gifts. She loved the jack-in-the-box we gave her, and her other gifts, but she was equally enamored with helping Mama and Daddy unwrap the things we had gotten for each other.
Dinner was delicious, including our holiday favorites that are rapidly becoming tradition: pumpkin souffle, cardamom bread, mashed potatoes, boeuf bourguignon, and peas.
A lovely Christmas, indeed.

Awww--the photos are so great!! Merry Christmas to you & your beautiful family. Hope you're feeling okay!