It was a beautiful day, and the city was crowded with people out enjoying the sunshine, the live music, and the junk food.
Of course, we were no exceptions. A slice of brick oven pizza found it's way into my hands.
And since pizza is Italian, it seemed only natural to follow it up with some gelato. A scoop of nutella flavor and a scoop of orange chocolate chip, to be precise.
Nell alternated between hanging out in the stroller and preferring to be worn on my back. Both ways, she was an eager observer of the day's activities. She even endured a diaper change on a brick-paved alleyway when desperate times called for just such desperate measures, so I'd say she was a champ.
Is there anything more handsome than a dad pushing a stroller? {Besides maybe a dad wearing a baby in a baby carrier, of course.}
We wandered the aisles of Oldies marketplace, a fun indoor/outdoor shop filled with used items, antiques, collectibles, and sundry items. Old vinyls! Books! Sewing machines! Glass bottles! Typewriters! Hats! I could spend an entire day there, I think.
And ending a day with pesto is always a good idea.
We resolved to have many more such adventures over the summer months. This area is so rich with history and beauty and wonderful places to see and explore... we really ought to take advantage of it more often!

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful place!