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Friday, September 28, 2012

it's the little things

I haven't been great about blogging since Nell was born.  I'm glad I've kept up with her monthly posts, of course, and other basic blogging necessities, but I want to do more than that.  Whenever I happen across an old post from my archives, I'm struck by how often it's the little moments, the ones I might have forgotten otherwise, that I'm so glad I happened to record.

So here goes: I'm going to do weekly post on 'the little things,' so I keep up with recording memories small as well as large.


At church on Sunday, someone said to me, "You look like a fall fashion plate!"

{I consider this a high compliment, although admittedly sometimes 'fashion' verges on the bizarre, and I try to have fun with my outfits without going too far down that particular path.}


My friend Melissa and I went and got pedicures together recently.

If you think you are not a pedicure person, it is because you have never gotten one.  And that's all I'll say about that.


My daughter's wrists and ankles look like they have rubberbands around them, due to her adorable rolls of chubby deliciousness.


{Also, her chubby cheeks are the most kissable in the world.}


Cheese and crackers and wine with the husband and the brother-in-law.

In the dimness of the evening, on the living room floor.

We're classy like that.


Oh, Nell.  We love that girl so much.

You should hear her laugh.

A couple of evenings ago, Andrew and I were singing 'I'm just a little black rain cloud" to her, from Winnie the Pooh.  She just started belly-laughing, she was so delighted with it.

And she laughs when I blow raspberries on her belly,

And she laughs when I help her 'jump' up and down on my lap,

And she laughs when I tickle her now!

{Maybe this blog is in need of a Nell video appearance?}


  1. I know most parents say their kids are the "cutest" or "most loveable"...but I have to admit--your little girl really IS adorable, and she appears to be soo happy!! Those chubby arms and legs are making me feel a tinge of baby fever again...

  2. This is such a great idea for a weekly blog post! Thanks for sharing. (And I may have to steal the idea, if you don't mind!)

    1. I think I'll do a link-up, which I've never done before, but seems fun. So you can steal my idea by doing it and linking back here! I'll start next week. :)

    2. Sounds I do a "it's the little things" blog post and link back to this post on your blog?

    3. I plan to start the official series (with a link-up... guess I should figure out how to do that :)) this Friday! So get ready! :)

  3. Emma (who was reading over my shoulder) and I both think you need to post a video of Nell laughing. She is so adorable!!

    BTW, have you ever seen the 7 quick takes meme - - similar idea - things that happened or that you thought were interesting, but not necessarily something you want to post as a blog post by itself.

    Or do your own, and do as many or as few as you like. :-) I wish I could get myself to note down some of those little things during the week, but it just doesn't happen. For whatever reason, blogging is at the absolute bottom of my list. Generally the thought process goes, "oh, I could write a blog post about X" and then my conscience jabs me and I think, "yes, but you should be sweeping the floor, folding that last load of laundry, taking care of those dishes, wiping the table, mopping the floor, updating the finances, oh, and what about the school planning you need to do??" At least my conscience lets me write blog comments. :-)

    1. Amber: One of the most fun things in the world is to come home to a phone message of Nell laughing! You and Emma are right ... it definitely merits a blog post!

    2. What a great idea - and I bet that is such a wonderful sound to hear on your answering machine! You not only have an adorable granddaughter, but a clever daughter. But I'm sure you already knew that. :-)
