the way my head fits against my husband's chest; how he massages my head with his fingers.
suspensions in music; today particularly in Corelli
baking cookies for people I love
a soft mattress
my parents, and my in-laws, for being wonderful and for loving us
Christmas lights - especially the icicle kind
being well-rested enough to enjoy jumping up and cooking for my husband when he's hungry
my parents, for still being crazy about each other
the fact that my Mom is alive after a close call four years ago
making gifts for my nephews - I love those kids
totaling up my 2010 income and hearing my husband say I have impressive earning power
having a holiday and being able to bundle myself up in blankets on the couch and just relax
dreaming about the future and how it will all just keep getting better

You sound so much more relaxed, Sarah. I'm really glad you're taking this break. Love you!