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Monday, December 06, 2010

The Don't Wants

I don't want to write this paper tonight.

I don't want to write the other one due later this week, either.

I don't want to do the rewrite on my final semester paper.

I don't want to go to a lesson tomorrow for which I feel unprepared.

I don't want to play in the chamber music concert tomorrow night.

I don't want to take that final exam.

I don't want to finish that big project.

I don't want to have a violin jury next Monday.

I really, really don't want to have that jury.

But there are some things I am looking forward to, like the service of Lessons and Carols at the church where Nathan works, and a road trip with friends to see family and play great Christmas music, and a blissful, blissful holiday during which I will try to catch up on a semester's worth of sleep.

To get to all those nice things, I have to survive the not-nice things.

Here goes.


  1. You can do it! Wish we could be at your chamber music concert, outside the door of your jury to listen in, at the Lessons and Carols, and at the Erie Christmas music service. Oh how I wish!
