The whole day.
No morning teaching. No afternoon teaching. No evening rehearsals or gigs. Nothing.
I read my Bible, went to the gym, watched a chick flick while I tidied up the house a bit, practiced my violin, and generally enjoyed having a relaxed day where I could wear my jeans with a rip in the knee. The late afternoon found me wandering at the mall, not looking for anything in particular but just checking out the Presidents' Day sales. Most stores had some pretty great deals going on. I hemmed and hawed about this purchase, but ended up buying these wool shorts from GAP:

Originally priced at $49.50, I snagged the last pair (which happened to be my size) for $7.78. Not bad.
Here comes the part about my mall experience that's actually blog-worthy:
1) I overheard a woman on her cell phone in H&M saying, "Have you ever had squirrel before? I had it for dinner last night. It's so delicious. Tastes like rabbit. I shot it in my backyard and cooked it up!"
[Allow me to remind you all that this was not taking place in rural West Virginia; I live just north of Boston. Also, I'm glad she wasn't looking at me, because I'm sure a look of shock, horror, and revulsion flashed across my face. At least I wasn't the only one appalled; all the nearby shoppers were turning and staring at this woman!]
2) While looking at something in American Eagle, I heard a voice just behind me interrupt my thoughts, asking me, "Excuse me miss, can I jump you real quick?"
"Uhh... what?"
"Could I just tell you real quick that our jewelry is buy one get one half off..."
"Oh. Okay, thanks."
[Hey American Eagle, customer service is great, but maybe you could teach your employees that, when accosting a shopper, the words "Can I jump you real quick" aren't the best to use - even if what they mean by that is "Can I have a moment of your time to give you a little spiel about our latest deals?"]
Who knew shopping could be so filled with bizarre experiences.

This made me laugh! Thanks for sharing your overheard convos and love those shorts :)
ReplyDeleteToo funny about the squirrel. Not so much that she ate it, but that she shot it in her backyard! Ha, ha! I've had it from our own backyard, but that was rural Indiana and it wasn't good enough to ever have it again. :)