That's twelve rolls of Scotch tape (each three-pack was $0.50), two jugs of laundry detergent (at $0.99 each!), 4 cans of shaving cream, two Sure deodorants (both free after coupons), two Phisoderm body washes (each one had a $2 off peelie coupon on the front), one Colgate toothpaste (free after coupons), four Maybelline lip glosses, and one $0.99 nail file as a filler item to bring my balance on my second transaction to a positive number.
My total out of pocket expense for both transactions was $4.59, and I got back $10 (two $5 Register Rewards - one for each transaction). I can also get a $2 rebate for the Scotch tape if I get around to doing it, which I should.
The cashier who rang me up was super nice and once again confirmed what I've been learning, which is that most cashiers love to see shoppers get a good deal. She practically squealed when I paid $0.46 for my second transaction and then got $5 in RRs back. She even called over a friend from the cosmetic department to see what great deals I had gotten, and told her friend, "This girl is a good shopper. She's so smart! I wish I could get deals like this."

You can do the Walgreens rebates on-line now :)