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Saturday, June 07, 2008

There And Back Again

I haven't blogged in a week simply because I haven't been home in almost as much time. On Monday FavoriteBoy and I embarked upon a very last-minute and entirely unplanned trip to California to visit my family. It was a wonderful visit in so many ways and I'll always be glad that we were able to re-arrange our schedules and make the time to go.

The plane flight back was notably less wonderful; FavoriteBoy and I spent a five hour flight separated from one another by one woman who wouldn't switch seats because she preferred to lean on her right elbow rather than her left, and she felt she could do so more comfortably from her assigned seat than from mine. Sigh.

We arrived back in Massachusetts this morning, and in keeping with our whirlwind lives, we're already back into the swing of things - FavoriteBoy is in Boston playing organ and piano at a wedding, and I taught make-up lessons this afternoon.

I plan to post pictures soon - I got to spend five days playing with my nephews, and they are too cute to be left to the imagination.

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