Today marks an important day to remember – the day you were baptized into the Christian church as a child of God. Today at my church here in Massachusetts, we celebrated Pentecost, Mother’s Day, and the baptism of a baby girl named Hope. As she was baptized I thought of you, and of hope – the hope your parents have in God, and how they earnestly pray for you that you will follow Him always. Pentecost – what a wonderful day to celebrate your baptism and the Holy Spirit in you. I thank God for you – for your healthy body and your inquisitive mind, and especially for your spirit, which I know your parents are carefully nurturing as you grow up and learn what it means to be a member of the body of Christ. I love you, Jonathan Phineas. I’m so glad you’re in my family, and even gladder that you’re in the family of the Church.
Aunt Sarah

I am the worst uncle a little guy could ask for...
ReplyDeleteGee whiz.
At least he has a good aunt.