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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Assorted Thoughts

A final post before lunch break ends and I return to the grind of creating help files for PatternSmith.

So, hi. Tomorrow I board a plane for Southern California, where I shall finally see my nephew Jonathan! I am excited beyond words. I'll get to spend some great time with Emily, Gabe, Libby, and other friends... and I'll also get to go to Laurel's senior recital, Torrey graduation, and... who knows what else! But it will all be so much fun.

I forgot to say that at the end of the semester I got a water bottle that says "100 mile club" because during the course of the semester I ran 100 miles. (Hold your applause...) It was an accomplishment for me and I'm glad I did it.

Jonathan's girlfriend visited this past weekend and she's super. People keep saying that she and I look alike - one man once thought we were sisters. Weird. I like her a lot, and I like how my brother is such a smashingly wonderful gentleman to her, too. It's all just great.

I read The Man Who Was Thursday, and it's left my mind all a-jumble. It's very odd, and I'm not sure I understand it at all, but at the same time I recommend it heartily, if that makes any sense.

I've had I Know That My Redeemer Liveth running through my head for the past few days. If you must have a song stuck in your head, I recommend this one. "And though worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God" - this is one of the best parts.

In other news, have I mentioned yet what my violin repertoire for the summer/fall is to be? Well, here it is: Tchaikovsky concerto (!!!), Ravel Tzigane (!!!), Mendelssohn F Major sonata, Vaughn-Williams The Lark Ascending, and Bach a minor solo sonata. Among other things. I had better get cracking.

I'm a bit lonely at the moment.

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